Initialize the project
We want to write a file that gives an accurate, detailed overview of the project.
The purpose of this file is to provide an entry point for finding information quickly.
Project is a that solves for by .
Project Structure
Domain model
<3-4 concise bullet points>
Use the template and write a new knowledge file for the project by doing the following:
- Break down the information into 4-6 sections
- Write each section with a 1-2 word header and 3-4 concise bullet points
- Use ASCII art to represent the project structure
- Write the file into
in the project root directory
Generate a beautiful README file
I want you to generate a beautiful README file for the project:
- Use the template below to structure the README file
- Fill in the template with the provided information using the guidelines below
- Highlight important key phrases in bold so I can get the gist when skim-reading
- Use concise, clear language to explain each section
- Add an emoji to the beginning of each header to make it visually appealing
- Throughout the document, use emojis to make it more engaging / easier to read
Project Structure
Tech Stack
IMPORTANT: DO NOT write anything to file.
Find the answer to a question about the code
I have a question about the code base, please answer it in the following way:
- Do a code search to find files relevant to the question
- Read relevant files
- Use that information to answer the question:
Refactor part of the code
I want you to refactor part of the code:
- Find and read the files containing the code to refactor and read them
- Change the code to achieve the expected result
- Update the existing files and if required, create new files
Generate a beautiful HTML page
- Search the internet for the latest BulmaCSS CDN version
- Generate a self-contained HTML page that combines the given content with BulmaCSS
- Write the HTML page to the given file path
When generating the page, follow these rules:
- Use the latest BulmaCSS version
- Organize the content in a visually appealing way using Bulma components
- Use FA icons and emojis to make the page more engaging
- Make full use of Bulma CSS classes to style the page